All Saints welcomes Father Charlie Hamill! Father Charlie will be officially joining us next week but made a guest appearance this past Sunday August 21st. Here’s a note from Father Charlie in his own words: “Hi. My name is Charlie Hamill, and I am currently serving as the assistant rector of Christ Episcopal Church. I was born and raised an Episcopalian in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. I graduated from Quaker Valley High School and later attended the University of Missouri-Columbia, where I received a degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology. Unfortunately, I never used my degree, and instead began working in restaurants, …
Author: Admin
Faith Food and Fellowship Concert and Potluck August 25th
Please join us for Faith Food and Fellowship Thursday August 25th at 6pm for a Potluck dinner and a piano concert by Eric Wang and Marsha Goulding. Program to include “everything from jazz to Classical music.” Bring your friends, bring a dish to share (or a cash donation)
Faith Food & Fellowship PICNIC July 28th
Faith, Food and Fellowship! Please join us for our annual “indoor picnic” at Faith Food and Fellowship on Thursday July 28th, from 6-8pm! Hot dogs and corn on the cob will be provided, please bring a side dish or a cash donation if you’re able! Mesmerizing storyteller Betty Thompson will be our guest presenter. and please… BRING A FRIEND!
Faith Food and Fellowship Dinner June 30th
Join us Thursday, June 30th for our next Faith Food and Fellowship event, for a special program and excellent buffet dinner! Free and open to the public. Please bring a casserole or a dessert to share; good will offerings welcome. Bring your best friend too! Susie Chimera will present a talk on “Dress for Success.”
New website!
Welcome to All Saints Pittsburgh’s new website!
The 2016 Annual Christ Church Women’s Retreat
When: April 22-24, 2016 (Friday 6:00PM until Sunday 1:00PM Where: The Martina Spiritual Renewal Center in West View Theme: The Joy of God’s Creation Cost: 145.00 (Scholarships are available) Questions: Ask Daryl about this pleasant, spiritual event for women.
Bible Study Resumes
The Gospel of Matthew Bible Study will resume on Sunday, February 7th at 9:30AM. Brenda Harris is the new leader. All are welcome to join! Questions can be directed to Brenda (the organist).
Soup Fellowship
Our Soup Fellowship takes the summer off and will resume in the fall! On the third Saturday of the cold months, from noon-2:00PM, Come join us for a free bowl of soup and a slice of Breadworks bread! Pints of soup available to go for $4 each. Some of our popular soup selections include: Daryl’s Broccoli and Cheese Soup Daryl’s Tomato Soup Sue’s Chicken Noodle Soup Sue’s Stuffed Pepper Soup Michele’s Peter Rabbit Carrot Soup Michele’s Wedding Soup If you would like to help us by making soup, please let Michele know what kind you are making, so it can …
Father John’s Departure
Father John Schaeffer has accepted a call as the rector of St. Mary Anne’s Episcopal Church in North East, Maryland. His last service at All Saints was on Sunday, January 31st–the day of the Annual Meeting and Luncheon.
Cookie Walk and Bazaar Update
The All Saints 7th Annual Cookie Walk and Bazaar was held on Saturday, December 12th between 10AM-2PM. We hope you were able to join us.