The floors in Oliver Hall will be stripped, waxed and buffed beginning on October 20th. This improvement project should not interfere with scheduled activities this coming weekend.
Author: Admin
Knit and Crochet Fashion Show
Our monthly Faith, Food and Fellowship group will host the 2nd Annual Knit and Crochet Fashion Show on Thursday, October 29th at 6:00 PM-8:00 in Oliver Hall. Join this ecumenical group of men and women for a potluck dinner before the show. Please bring a casserole, salad or dessert to share. The church’s biweekly knitting group will display and model their fashions and creations after the dinner.
Bishop Visit and Luncheon
The Right Rev. Dorsey McConnell, the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, will be at our parish for his annual visit on Sunday, November 15th. He will celebrate the morning service at 10:30AM and at the conclusion, join the parish for a luncheon in Oliver Hall. We look forward to his annual visit!
Cookie Walk Date!
Have a sweet tooth? Then, you can’t miss the Annual Christmas Cookie Walk now scheduled for December 12th! Purchase an empty box, and choose your favorite cookies from a wide assortment of delectable, homemade treats. Each year, many of our return customers purchase a number of boxes and fill them to the brim! Be sure to get there right at 10:00AM for the best selection! (Bakers: You know what this means…time to get out your recipes and start to plan what type of cookies you want to bake this year!)
Souper Saturday
Our Souper Saturday continues during the chilly month of November! Stop by Oliver Hall on November 21st between Noon to 2:00PM! for a steaming bowl of soup. We always offer a wide assortment of soups, such as Chicken Noodle, Beef Vegetable, Tomato, Broccoli and Cheese, and seasonal specialties such as Pumpkin or Sweet Potato. Guests are given a free bowl of soup and fresh bread if they eat in our parish hall. Take out soup is available for purchase at 4.00 per pint. Besides the soup, free peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are given to child guests. Our November soup event will also …
Faith, Food and Fellowship
Faith, Food and Fellowship continues this fall with a pleasant and varied selection of programming. On Thursday, September 24, Margarita Grachen will speak of her mission work in Honduras. October 29th’s program will feature a Knit and Crochet Fashion Show. The parish knitting group will model and display their fashions at this fun and creative event. The November event is always pushed to early December due to Thanksgiving, and this year it will be held on December 3rd–same time and place. The program for that evening with feature Christmas Music and a Sing Along. Be sure to invite a friend to …
Basics of the New Testament Bible Study
Basics of the New Testament Bible Study—The Gospel of Matthew Starting Date—October 18th; 9:30AM-10:15AM Our Presiding Bishop-Elect, Michael Curry, has called us to grow new disciples. As a faith community, how do we accomplish this task? With a solid foundation in our faith. We can’t grow disciples without a deep understanding of Christianity and Scripture. Each week, Fr. John and Fr. Dick preach about our faith from the pulpit and remind us that we need to study Scripture. With that intention, we will start a “Basics of the New Testament” Bible Study Class. This class will meet each Sunday between …
Episcopal 101
Episcopal 101- If you are new to the Episcopal Church or want a refresher, an adult education series on the Episcopal/Anglican Church and an outline of our faith will begin on Sunday, October 4. We’ll offer lunch and childcare. We’ll have a few sessions this fall. Lunch will be provided. Each session will last less than 90 minutes and will begin right after our service in Oliver Hall.
Confirmation and Communion Sign-ups
Confirmation, Communion and Baptism classes start on September 20. Please contact Fr. John if you or your children are interested.
Mission Sunday
Missionaries Leatha and Butch Jenkins (Melanie Smith’s parents) will offer a presentation on their ministry and missionary work in New Guinea on Sunday September 13 after our service in Oliver Hall. Lunch will be provided. Please plan to attend and support their work for God’s Kingdom.