Annual Cookie Walk and Bazaar Saturday, December 10 at 10am

Annual Cookie Walk and Bazaar, Saturday, December 10  10 AM – 2 PM


All Saints’ 8th Annual Cookie Walk and Bazaar will be held on Saturday, December 10. Creative handmade craft items made by the women of All Saint and local crafters will be available. Cookies, baked by the women of All Saints and their family and friends, will be available. If you will be baking cookies, get your recipes ready and we will provide aluminum trays to put your cookies in. A sign-up sheet is at the back of the church to let us know what kind of cookies you are making.

But if you’re not a baker, you can help in many other ways. Help is needed with advertising and putting up signs, folding cookie boxes, managing the vendors, making baskets to raffle, and various other jobs. Elves will be needed on the day of the Cookie Walk, also, to help in the kitchen, sell raffle tickets, keep the cookies stocked, and greet our customers. Let Daryl know how you can help with this event. Mark the date – Saturday, December 10, invite family and friends to come stock up with cookies and gifts for the holidays, and plan to come!