Our monthly Community Soup Fellowship is this Saturday, November 21st from Noon-2:00PM. Our selections for this month include Chicken Noodle, Broccoli Cheese, Potato Leek, Stuffed Pepper, and Sweet Potato Soups, along with Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches for the kids. Our family activity for this month will be cookie decorating. Bring the family for a free soup lunch and creative fun! Take out pints of soup are available for 4.00 a piece. Proceeds benefit All Saints Outreach programs.
Author: Admin
Christmas Giving Opportunities
Adopt-A-Family All Saints has the opportunity to help a Northside family of four: a single mother, her two sons (15 and 9) and one daughter (5) by providing Christmas presents, including necessities and “wish list” items. Our family recently moved into a new home after staying in a domestic violence shelter; the mother is looking for a job but is having difficulty making ends meet with the father now in jail. Tags with suggested gift items noted will be available in late November. As an alternative to taking a gift tag and purchasing an item, monetary donations of any amount …
A Blessed Event
Last Sunday, November 15th, we were privileged to have a visit by Bishop Dorsey McConnell. During his visit, he confirmed Zeke Matous and received Timothy Howell into the Episcopal Church. The church sanctuary was filled with parishioners as they worshiped the Lord, renewed their baptismal vows, and listened to the bishop’s message. Our music program was exceptional as we listened to Brenda Harris, our organist and pianist, accompanied by violinist, Julia Simeone. At the conclusion of the service, Bishop McConnell blessed our renovated Little Saints Room. The room was dedicated in memory of Raymond Micholetti, Jr, a young parishioner who was …
Help Needed
We need some volunteers to help paint the trim and doors in Oliver Hall. Years of people taping flyers to the doors and walls, and bumping into doors, have left scars and peeling paint. We will do some light scraping and painting as needed to brighten the room and make it cleaner and more presentable. Paint, sandpaper, brushes and rollers have been purchased. If you can help for an hour or two, please see Fr. John.
Thanksgiving Service
Our Thanksgiving Service will be on Sunday, November 22nd, at 10:30AM. We are asking all to attend this special service as we give thanks to God for our families, friends and church home. In addition, we are asking for all to bring canned goods and other non-perishable food items to the church for the Northside Food Pantry. They serve over 1100 families in our area and they need donations for your Northside neighbors including the unemployed, seniors, and families with young children. During this service, Fr. John will ask the children of the parish to bring forward all donated food …
Confirmation and the Bishops’ Visit
Bishop Dorsey McConnell will be busy this coming Sunday, November 15th! He will not only confirm Zeke Matous, and receive Timothy Howell into the Episcopal Church, but also dedicate our Little Saints Room. Plan to be in attendance on this special day and stay after the service for a luncheon. Your contribution of a side dish for the luncheon will also be appreciated.
Christmas Eve and Pageant
Join angels, shepherds, and Mary and Joseph as they celebrate the birth of our Savior! Our Christmas Eve Pageant and Service will be at 4:00PM instead of 5:00PM. We will need a couple of angels, shepherds and a Mary and Joseph! If your little angel wants to participate, please let Daryl know ASAP. She will need to plan for costumes. If you have any friends who would like their children to participate too, please let us know. The earlier time will accommodate our young families, so our angels will remain wide awake for the celebration. At the conclusion of the service, we will …
Aidan’s Ordination to the Priesthood
God willing, The Reverend Aidan Smith will be ordained to the priesthood this weekend in the Diocese of Albany, NY! It is with joy that we share this blessed news! Approximately two years ago, Aidan was a seminarian at Trinity School of Ministry. He needed to find a local parish to complete some discernment and gain practical experience with worship. With the assistance of Father John and two parishioners, Aidan was able to complete his requirements and move forward with ordination. This past spring, Aidan was ordained as a transitional deacon and now, he will be ordained to the priesthood. …
Little Saints Room Dedication
Last spring, we postponed the dedication of the refurbished Little Saints Room due to a scheduling conflict. Bishop Dorsey will make his annual visitation on November 15th, and it is the ideal time for the room dedication ceremony. We are very grateful for the hard work and vision of the Warner, Price and Brucker families, and wish to celebrate their contributions to completing this project. Please join us on that Sunday to officially open and bless our clean and bright Little Saints Room!
Oliver Hall Improvements
You may have noticed that Oliver Hall is getting a spruce-up! The side entrance doors were repaired and painted a nice bright red by Father John and Karen. Two large planters were placed at the side entrance, and a new sign was attached near the doorway. On the stage, the storage cabinets were cleared out and organized, and old debris and building materials were discarded. This week, the floors will be stripped, buffed and polished. Besides those improvements, a new welcome table is on display in Oliver Hall. The information on the table, along with complimentary water bottles, are available for …