Blessings to All the Saints!

The bright colors of fall were short-lived and now gray skies and dark evenings are upon us. Even though the calendar reminds us it is still fall, we begin to believe it is winter—influenced by cold temperatures, early snowflakes, and holiday commercialism. We are rushed into winter, whether we like it or not. So instead of it being a short three months, it feels more like a five month season and

Often, I want to dig my heels in and enjoy the season of fall and slow everything down. I want to drink cider and smell apple pies baking in my oven (hint, hint, Karen!) and not have the signs of winter forced upon me. I want to look forward to Thanksgiving and savor its arrival, just as I savor the turkey and all the fixings (hint, hint, Karen!) I don’t want Thanksgiving to be waylaid by a rush to the mall for Christmas bargains. I want to slow down the autumn season, count my Blessings, give thanks, and slowly prepare for winter and the coming of Christ.

Our Advent season begins on December 1st this year and lasts for four weeks. The Latin word “Advent” means “the coming”. It is a time of preparation and spiritual reflection—for the coming of Christ. It is a time for us not only to look with cheer and anticipation but also to find quiet moments to reflect. Like the autumn, I want to dig my heels in during Advent and slow it down. I want to appreciate each week, slowly prepare, and wait for the Light to emerge from the darkness. Good things cannot be rushed as I pray and sing, “Come Lord Jesus, Come”.
Father John+

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