Alleluia! He is Risen!

Alleluia! He is Risen!
Last week, we heard the Good News that He is Risen! When Lent started 40 days ago, we silenced our “Alleluia’s” and spent our Lenten Season deep in reflection and preparation to hear this joyous news.

And what did I learn during that time? Each and every year, I am always humbled to be reminded of how the prophets in our Old Testament predicted a Savior. In hindsight, we can see the similarities between Jesus’ life and death and what was written by the Prophet Isaiah (52:13-53:12) about 700 years earlier. He had God-given foresight. We have hindsight and as they say, “Hindsight is 20/20”. How many of us would have connected the dots if we lived during Jesus’ time? Would we have recognized that Jesus was the Savior? Or would we have chanted with the crowds: “Crucify Him!”? Many of the brightest scholars at the time didn’t connect the dots. Some of the most humble did. I pray this Easter Season that we all see the miracle that occurred at the tomb, and realize its significance.

I pray this Easter Season that we are not too proud to admit that we need a Savior. I pray that this Easter Season we can all feel the joy of knowing that our Savior defeated death for all of us—Alleluia! Christ is Risen, indeed.

Father John
An added note:
Thank you dear parishioners for the beautiful silver ring oil stock to celebrate my ordination! It is engraved with “All Saints” on it so every time I anoint someone in holy oil, I will be reminded of all of you. Your love and encouragement over these past years has been a true blessing to Karen and me. I am honored to be a part of this parish.


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